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The Delegation from Columbia University Visited Zhejiang University School of Medicine

2015-10-28   |  

On October 22nd and 23rd, a delegation from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons visited Zhejiang University School of Medicine. The delegation included Prof. Anke Nolting, the associate dean of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the executive dean of the Wu Global Center for Health Initiatives of Zhejiang-Columbia University, Prof. Stanley Chang, an Ophthalmologist and Dongrong Xu, an associate professor and the Chinese responsible person of the research cooperation with The Wu Global Center for Health Initiatives of Zhejiang-Columbia University. Jianhong Luo, the associate president of Zhejiang University, Xiaoming Li, the associate dean of Zhejiang University School of Medicine and Yi Sun who is the dean of Institute of Translational Medicine played host to the delegation. 
Jianhong Luo warmly welcomed the delegation. Prof. Stanley Chang talked about the operation mechanism of the Wu Global Center for Health Initiatives of Zhejiang-Columbia University. The two parties had a deep discussion regarding the details of establishing the center. 
The delegation also visited the First Affiliated Hospital, the Second Affiliated Hospital, the Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, the Affiliated Dental Hospital as well as the Affiliated Children’s Hospital.
