Professor Li Lanjuan research group reported that transplantation of humanplacenta-derived mesenchym

2014-03-03   |  

Stem cell-based therapy to treat liver diseases is a focus of current research.Cell types and the transplantation pathways are the key factors
So far, most such studies used rodent models to evaluate the therapeutic potential of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC) for treating hepatic failure via peripheral vein transplantation.
Li Lanjuan's group established a method for isolating mesenchymal stem cells from human placenta (hPMSCs).An acute liver failure (ALF) model of Chinese miniature pigs was used to explore their therapeutic potential for treating liver disease in large animal model. Reviewer of this paper, Maurizio Parol, said, “This is possibly the first study investigating the therapeutic potential of hPMSCs in a large animal model of ALF”.
1、Placenta as a clinical waste can provide an inexhaustible and low cost source of stem cells. Because of their low immunogenicity, high proliferation rate and multiple differentiation potential, hPMSCs could be used as an excellent source of seed cells for the repair of liver damage
2、Portal vein transplantation under B-ultrasonography guidance is much more safe and effective than the jugular vein pathway
This paper was published in BMC Medicine; the first author is Cao Hong Cui.
