2007 class: The list of student who haven't passed required courses

2012-10-13   |  

ID total
3071823018 4 Genetics Neurology Medicine III Microbi/Parasitology  
3071835043 1 Physiology        
3071813002 2 Pathology Medicine III      
3071823045 2 Pathology Surgery III       
3071835017 1 Pathology        
3071823005 4 MedicineII Epidemics Medicine III Microbi/Parasitology  
3071813035 4 Medicine III Microbi/Parasitology Radiology Medical Chinese  
3071823024 4 Medicine III Psychiatry Surgery III  Pediatrics  
3071823026 2 Medicine III Gynaecology      
3071835001 2 Chinese Grammar II Medicine III      
3071835020 5 Medicine III Surgery II Psychology Psychiatry Gynaecology
3071835023 3 Medical Chinese Psychiatry Medicine III    
3071835034 1 Medicine III        
3071813021 1 Neurology        
3071823048 4 Pharmacology Psychology Psychiatry Biostatistics  
3071813024 1 Pediatrics        
3071823003 1 Microbi/Parasitology        
3071835016 1 Emergency        
3071813038 1 Medical Chinese        

We did a screen in the university recording system. The above is the list of students who haven't pass one or more courses. We will arrange a final exam for each course between the end of senior clerkship and the graduation exam. We advise all students to check your own record in the system to see if the information above is correct, and let us know if there is any mistakes. We want to reiterate that this is the last time for you to pass the courses that you failed before. If you fail again this time. You will not be awarded the degree.

(updated on Dec 6, 2012) 

                                                                                                                                                                         International Office

                                                                                                                                                                         School Of Medicine

