
发布日期:2011年11月25日 来源:mgm美高梅79906 阅读量:3202
Prof. Dr.med. Eveline Baumgart-Vogt
- Director – International Giessen Graduate School for the Life Sciences -
- Chairperson and Full Professor for Anatomy and Cell Biology –
Time: 10:00-11:30 am, December 1st, 2011
Venue: Administrative Building 502
Professor Eveline Baumgart-Vogt will give an introduction of the International Giessen Graduate School for the Life Sciences and the University Giessen with its main research topics and collaborative research groups in the field of
 - Cardio-Pulmonary Diseases (German Research Foundation: Excellence Cluster Cardio-Pulmonary System, State Excellence Center “Pulmonary Disease”, Official German National Clinical Center for Pulmonary Diseases);
- Male Infertility (German Research Foundation “Clinical Research Unit 181 “Mechanisms of male infertility”, Research Unit 1369 “Sulphated Steroids”; State Excellence Program “Male Infertility during Infection and Inflammation”);
- Infection and Immunology (State Excellence Program “Male Infertility during Infection and Inflammation”, Official National Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases);
- DNA and Protein interactions (German Research Foundation: Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR81 “Chromatin Changes in Differentiation and Malignancies”; International Research Training Group – “Enzymes and Multienzyme Complexes acting on Nucleic Acids", formerly also Marie-Curie Research Training Network "DNA Enzymes" and European Commission funded Asia Link “Human Resources Development in the Study of Nucleic Acids” with the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences).

